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(作者:张玉学 更新时间:2009/4/3 1:24:19 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

                                  My dream 
    If your dream also exists, then nobody can cause you to drop down.
                                                      - Martin · road Durgin 
   Is very small, I have to the destiny challenge, breaks through the limitation unceasingly the life dream. Perhaps is because the human lacks anything to like anything, my short, is actually a basketball fan. I like and am envying Yao Ming.
   His stature is big and tall, looks like a ju ling monkey, the casual leap is about several meters. Did not fear that the reader friend joke, I often pray the Heaven, if in society has the samsara really, I do not strive for other, only strives for to have a Yao Ming such good stature. I grow day by day to Yao Ming's affection and the worship, I even obstinately believed that he is the world most happy camper.
   in 2008 at the Olympic Games, the Chinese team second defeats that noon, I sad extremely, at that time Yao Ming bewept at a loss the look looks like a pitiful child, lets me love dearly. Finally, I start to understand: Ascends the sky ever not to anybody bestowment “joyfully”, it gives all person's desire is the eternal distance, is the fair limitation. If cannot come up the understanding in the superego foundation to be joyful, then my flaw and Yao Ming's disastrous defeat are the same, is depressed and the painful root.
    The first round competition's disastrous defeat, is because of the match formidable and member's ability limit result. In the second round intermediary heat, Yao Ming won the championship once more, has made the best progress. Can see, he understood why the Olympic Games ceremonial fire does burn, that is not the question which between both sides who wins who to defeat, but has the opportunity to the common people to demonstrate that the humanity unyielding, the destiny limitation perpetuates ......
    Therefore, vainly hoped for the wing then floating goes, the realistic shackles put up on the neck. I no longer wanted to have with the Yao Ming same 2.26 meter heights. Because, even if some people may jump out about several meters, also still means the limitation. I do not want to become a happy camper in next life; I hoped that has a vigorous and healthy stature and a perfect soul. But the former must pray ascends the sky the gracious gift, the latter must pass through each kind of setback difficultly to mold. Immediately, I suddenly see the light, the human lives after must have a most beautiful dream.
   When the reclamation daydream's train of thought that I only then discovered that the dream is the horizon stars, never extinguishes illuminates life in a hurry; The reality is under foot's land, steadfastly and records traveler's trail sincerely. Human, also cannot live in the flashy but lacking substance dream, also cannot succumb to reality making noise. On the life path, should be left side plants vainly hopes for and hoped that right side practices what one preaches, momentarily picks, the harvest is happy.
    However, is seeking the path through the ages, I gain ground look up to the horizon the starry sky, thinks deeply about the human who how can let look up to the starry sky to understand the reality, also how can let the human who flies the starry sky retain is vainly hoping for? Human who we shouldn't be disabled to the mind gives more sympathies and shows loving concern? Therefore, faces the reality, but does not entrust the body in the reality; Maintains the fantasy, but does not wallow in the fantasy. Let the dream jump a full dance in the reality! Let us in vainly hope for and in the reality junction axle, with the mind world's with soaring aspirations hug dream, writes the life gorgeous chapter with the open-minded mood!
    Author synopsis: Zhang Yu studies, male, pen name: Snowy peak. on March 2, 1991 was born in Gansu Jingyuan, presently for Beijing Writing Academic society member, Jingyuan County flower season literature society director the organization head concurrently edition, "Hunan Campus Literary arts" the magazine company special student edits, Baiyin "Silver Daily paper" society student reporter, 2009 Chinese young writer class student, world Chinese people young Writer's association member, Hubei Province young Writer's association member. Its work once attained 2007, 2008 “the century cup” the campus literature art big game first prize, the sixth session “the Ye Shengtao cup” the national middle-school student innovates the thesis big game third prize, 14th session, the 15 session “the magical brush cup” the national elementary and middle school students thesis grand prize contest second prize, welcomes Olympic Games “the East China Normal university Two Attached middle school cups” "Thesis Communication" the national middle-school student thesis big game nation third prize, the fifth session “Xihu” the cup nation young people literary arts big game honorable mention, the first session “Hua Renbei” the entire national essence kernel young writer title, in 2008 “moves toward Lu Xun” large-scale to have the prize solicitation activities second prize, “new person cup” third national elementary and middle schools campus literatureThe big game first prize and so on, the work sees here and there in "Ulan" "Silver Daily paper" "Chinese Campus Education Newspaper" "Thesis Weekly" "the Xihu Literature" "Language Newspaper" "Thesis Review" "Hunan Campus Literary arts".


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