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(作者: 更新时间:2007/11/9 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

"The life is without doubt a big topic."
- Prefatory remarks
Puts down the layered shell
Carries on the back light worrying
Under with hardship tea
Is thinking sweet America

Is in as if the illusion
In sings with the angel connecting rod
But the angel once has paid attention to me?
Has fallen in love with the nature as if
That breeze, grass
That big tree, that fallen leaf
All is nature America
It, indeed
Has filled the air the life breath
Does that person, how the person survive
How human's life can be joyful, how has the significance

The imagination drawing is same
Draws to fill the dream the picture
The life can like paints pictures equally not?
Can fill the dream
Wants how how?

Nature crystallization
Sky partner
Wind chimes
Wind friend
That person can have any
Is happy, joyful?
Or setback?
I thought, significant the life to be hard-won
This must treasure

Creates with both hands
Who can say
This has not had is not?
But all people all created?
Understood what is creates?
The creation is not the one day and one night
Is perseveres
Persisted cannot be simpler than the drawing
But not compared to giving up difficulty
Understands the creation
Or understood treasures
Deeply loves the life
Or deeply loves the life

In complex and is simple
Chose has been simple
Because of simple life
Also has the complex achievement
Complex achievement
Contains the simple method
This is - persisted
No matter is the giving up or persisted
Own create
Is happiest
The people want first to understand the creation the truth!

Watches the moonlight
Mao Dun had said does not love the moonlight
Because it is such is false
Conceals in darkness all sorts of ugly performance
But changes into beautifully it entices the person
Perhaps this also is.
But that faint trace moonlight
Concealment worrying
Who knows
The different person has the different life manner
So long as treasures, savors, the creation
The life can be beautiful!

Compiles profoundly, the exquisite content
Must like the prose to be same
Bright is fresh
Must like the cauliflower to be same
Ordinary, elegantly simple
Walks road of the life
Must compile chapter of the good life

Beautiful life
From this starts... ...
Attaches the ancient-style poetry (I first time to write):
The moonlight pale person thinks must flies
Raindrop Ye Luoren yi Zui
The most value is the grass averagely heard
Hopes step by step to the advance


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