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(作者:佚名 更新时间:2009/3/5 18:47:44 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

ack Mercedes pulled over.
“Are you going past the station?” I asked, leaning in through his window. He didn’t answer, so I assumed his English wasn’t very good and repeated the question. He seemed to understand and let me into his car.
“Thank you so much for the lift,” I said at the station. “I hope I haven’t taken you out of your way.”
“Actually,” he said in perfect English,” I was parking.

(34) All in a day’s work
One day I was late for work and was pulled over by a police officer. The officer noticed that my shirt had the same name of a local secondary school on it. “I teach maths,” I explained.
He smiled and said, “OK. Here’s a problem. A teacher is speeding down the highway at 25 kilometres over the limit. At $12 for every kilometers over the limit, plus $40 court costs, plus the rise in her insurance, what is her total cost?”
I replied, “Taking that total , subtract the low salary I receive, multiplied by the number of kids that hate maths, then adding to that the fact that none of us would be anywhere without teachers, I’d say zero.”
He handed me back my licence, “Actually, maths was never my favorite subject. Please slow down.”
Ralph was on is way home from work one night when, to his horror, he suddenly realised that he’d completely forgotten his daughter’s birthday.
He rush to the toy shop and asked the manager, “How much is the Barbie in the window?”
“Which one?” the manager asked. “We have Workout Barbie for $19.95, Malibu Barbie for $19.95, Soccer Barbie is $19.95, Cinderella Barbie is $19.95, and Divorced Barbie is $375.”
“Hold on,” Ralph said. “Why is Divorced Barbie $375 when all the other Barbies are only $19.95?”
“Well,” said the shop manager, “Divorced Barbie also comes with Ken’s car, Ken’s house, Ken’s boat, Ken’s dog, Ken’s cat, Ken’s furniture…”
(36) Eating less meat?
A well-planned vegetarian diet has many health benefits to offer. Perhaps that’s why , in recent years, the number of vegetarians seems to be on the rise. Many people , including growing numbers of teenagers and young children, “go veggie ” by simply pushing their steak aside to dine on the remaining garnishes – perhaps potato salad, a roll or three, and a bowl of lettuce backstroking in dressing. This can be great news if you have stock in starch and fat; bad news if you eat like this. A doctor said, “Plenty of vegetarians eat a healthy, well-planned diet. But plenty of others don’t do their homework. And that can get them into trouble.”
(37) Educated Consumer
My six-year-old nephew, Julian, likes to strike up a conversation with everyone he meets. On a short road trip, I stooped to pay a toll. As I pocketed my change, Julian leaned forward. “Thank you!” he yelled to the toll collector. There was no reply.
Thinking he hadn’t been heard, he repeated his comment but was again met with silence. As I pulled away, he called out, “We don’t have to shop here, you know!”
(38) Parental Discretion Advised
I was driving my seven-year-old daughter and her friend home from Girl Scouts when the country-music station we were listening to began playing a song called “Lonely Women Make Good Lovers.” Thinking how inappropriate it was for my young passengers, I switched stations only to have my daughter say, “Dad, that’s a great song. Please change it back!”
Not wanting to make a scene, I did as she asked and was happily surprised when she told her friend, “Isn’t that a great song – ‘Only Women Make Good Mothers’? ”
My nine-year-old nephew and I were watching what I thought was a suitable movie on TV when suddenly a male character asked a female: “Why do you work as a lady of the night?” In a sultry voice she replied, “Because I like to find $300 on my pillow.”
“Wow!” my nephew commented. She must have had a huge tooth!”
My friend’s son graduated from secondary school. So I sent a card to congratulate him. I enclosed some money and scribbled some words of wisdom inside.
He sent me a note back saying, “Thank you for the gift. Also thank you for the advice. My mum always told me that you are full of it .”
(41) Legitimacy by UN Is Required for Using Force on Iraq: UN Chief
United Nations Secretary-general Kofi Annan said disarming Iraq is “an issue not for any one state, but for the international community as a whole.” “When states decide to use force, not in self-defense but to deal with broader threats to international peace and security, there is no substitute for the unique legitimacy provided by the United Nations Security Council.” 安南表示对伊拉克动武需要联合国授权
联合国秘书长安南表示:解除伊拉克武装不是某个国家的问题,而是整个国际社会的问题。安南说:“动用武力如果不是为自卫,而是为了解决对国际和平与稳定构成广泛威胁的问题, 那么在这方面,联合国安理会授权的合法性是无可代替的。”
(42) 经典演讲 《葛底斯堡演说》--- 亚伯拉罕? 林肯
87年前, 我们的先辈在这个大陆上创建了一个新国家。 她孕育于自由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。
目前我们正在进行一场伟大的内战, 以考验这个国家,或者任何一个孕育于自由和奉行上述原则的国家是否长久存在下去。我们来到这里把这战场上的一部分奉献给那些为国家生存而捐躯的人们作为他们的最后安息之地。我们这样做是完全适合的、恰当的。
但是从更广泛的意义上来说,我们不能奉献,不能圣化,不能神化这片土地。那些曾在这里战斗过的人,活着的或死去的,已经圣化了这片土地,远非我们的微薄之力所能扬抑。 世人极少会注意或长久记得我们今天在这里所说的话,但是勇士们在这里做过的事将永远不会被忘记。倒是我们,活着的人,应该把自己奉献给曾在里战斗的勇士们如此崇高推进的未竟事业。倒是我们应该在这里把自己奉献给留在我们面前的伟大任务:从这些光荣的死者身上我们汲取更多的献身精神来完成他们精诚所至的事业; 我们在这里下定决心不让死者白白死去;这个国家,在上帝的保佑下,将获得自由的新生。这个民有、民治、民享的政府将与世长存。
The Gettysburg Address
——By Abraham Lincoln
Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But in a large sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men , living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add to detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here; but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us: that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly revolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
背景介绍:葛底斯堡战役是美国南北战争中的决定性战役,北方军队经过浴血奋战,大获全胜。为纪念在战役中牺牲的勇士们,修建了葛底斯堡公墓。在落成典礼上,亚伯拉罕? 林肯的演说只有短短3分钟,却充满着真挚的感情,哀痛而振奋,沉重而自豪,堪称演讲中的经典之作,也是当今美国中学生的必读之篇。
(43)经典演讲 《我们的希望》—乔治?布什
在最后几周内,一些原则问题使大会产生意见分歧,大家对这些问题有很深的感受,并为解决这些问题做了艰苦的奋斗。我们不应该因为这些分歧忽略了我们大家 ---包括美国在内 --- 几乎都同意的主张,即:中华人民共和国加入联合国的历史时刻来到了。美国人民同伟大的中国人民有着长期的友好关系。美国相信,只要重新献身于联合国宪章的原则,我们就能朝着实现世界和平和正义的方向前进。在这里,我们将和抱有共同愿望并愿意为实现这一希望而合作的人,一同做出不懈的努力。
背景介绍:乔治?赫伯特?沃克?布什(1924-- ),美国前驻联合国首席代表、美国前总统。本文是他在1971年11月15日的联大全体会议上代表东道国欢迎中国代表团的讲话。
Our Hope
--- George Bush
The United States joins in welcoming to the United Nations the representatives of the People’s Republic of China, Vice-Foreign Minister Chiao, Ambassador Huang and their colleagues.
Their presence here makes the United Nations more reflective of the world as it now exists and we hope that it will contribute to the organization’s potential for harmonizing the actions of nations.
The issues of principle that divided the General Assembly in recent weeks were deeply felt and hard fought. Those differences should not obscure the proposition on which nearly all of us, including the United States, agreed: that the moment in history has arrived for the People’s Republic of China to be in the United Nations.
The United States, whose people are linked by long ties of friendship with the great Chinese people, is confident that with renewed dedication to the principles of the Charter we can move toward peace and justice in the world. We shall not cease to work here with all who share that hope and who wish to co-operate in its realization.

(44) Water Shortage
Serious water shortage hit Nampula Province, northern Mozambique, where about 3 million people are in urgent need of drinking water. According to the provincial authorities, the water supply system in the province can only meet the demand of one third of the population. Most of the population in the province, especially that living in the rural areas are facing increasing difficulties in obtaining drinking water.

(45) Weather Analysis
Following a south-moving weak cold front, northerly winds of 4 to 5 degrees blew through North China, areas between the Yellow and Huaihe river basins and the northwest provinces yesterday. The wind will continue today with the same force, and the Bohai and Yellow Seas can expect northerly winds of 6 to 7 degrees. Meanwhile, slight snow will fall in the Northeast China’s Liaoning Province and the Shangdong Peninsula. A spell of wet weather with drizzle has been watering the areas south of the Yangtze River basin in the last 4 or 5 days. Today, the overcast skies and drizzle will affect the central and southern parts of the region, South China’s provinces and the southwest Yunnan-Guizhou Platean. Fortunately, it will be over soon.

Compared with candles and oil-lamps, gas illumination was 12 times stronger. But electricity really change the night: one electric bulb provided 100 times more light than a candle or oil lamp. Night was becoming

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