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(作者:夏国梁 更新时间:2009/9/27 7:45:10 信息来源:互联网 点击:我要投稿

>  (3) 第四段提出自己的建议,描述的是将来,用一般将来时。


  3. 推敲要点表达方法。


  (1) 价位合理: prices are reasonable

  (2) 给人们的生活带来便利,提高了生活质量: people enjoy its convenience and better life quality as well

  (3) 带动相关行业的发展,解决许多人的就业问题:some related industries have also been brought about, which contributes to more employment

  (4) 消耗太多能源:consume too much energy

  (5) 高峰时交通拥堵: traffic jams occur in the rush hours

  (6) 停车困难: it is difficult for people to park their cars4. 分析私家车迅速发展的利与弊,提出有建设性和可行性的建议,不可平庸。

  5. 整合文章的整体效果,尽可能使用一些高级词汇和复杂句式,运用过渡性词汇,力求衔接紧密流畅,提升文章的表达档次。




  Last month, we had a discussion about the good and wrong of the rapid development of personal cars in our city. People's opinions are quite different.


  Firstly, car prices are reasonable, it is not a dream for ordinary families to buy a car. Secondly,people live conveniently and life quality is raised too. It helps develop related industries. More people will have jobs.


  Cars use too much power, and the waste gas pollutes the environment. The roads are not enough and traffic jams occur in the rush hours. People park their cars not so easily.


  I suggest that people don't buy cars unless it is necessary. It wastes a lot of money. If there are not so many cars on the roads, the traffic will not be heavy. It is our duty to protect the environment against pollution.




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