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您现在的位置: 冠华作文网 > 英语特区 > 写作技巧 > 正文         ★★★
(作者:冯光君 更新时间:2009/9/27 7:31:48 信息来源:互联网 点击:我要投稿



  Our Life in the Future


  With the rapid development of science and technology, some of our widest dreams could come true and our world will be changed a great deal in every way in the future.


  We neednt to earn our living by doing heavy work and everyone will get an ideal job. We will completely live in the cyberspace. If we want, we dont need to go out to buy things, to go to the library to read books, to see a doctor in the hospital, and so on. To our joy, it’s very easy to visit other stars, such as the moon and the Mars. And we will own a tidy and green world because the energy we use is all from the sun. What’s more, any illness can be cured and people can live longer with healthy body.Believe it or not, all these can be true through our efforts. Well live a happy life in the near future.


  2. 布局谋篇类词汇归纳




  美的事物都具有层次感,好的高考书面表达文章也不例外,在高考书面表达的文章中,层次美就代表这篇文章表意清晰、段落结构合理。考生为了表意清晰、明了,可以采用三句成段写作法,即全段由主题句(topic sentence)、阐述句(supporting sentence)和结尾句(concluding sentence)组成。为了使段落间的结构清晰明了,考生可以采用时间、空间、分类、例证、定义、对比和因果等段落组织形式。


  以议论文的写作模式为例,议论文的写作可以三段谋篇:第一段引出话题、提出观点,亮点词汇有in my opinion, in the view points of most people, as far as I am concerned, personally I think, hold the view that/for the following reasons, according to, and so on等,当然恰到好处地以名人名言或数字统计开头将会让你的文章一鸣惊人;第二段三条论据,论证观点,亮点词汇有first and foremost, besides, last but not least; on one hand, on the other hand; first of all, in addition, whats more; to begin with, then, further more, finally; for one thing, for another thing; in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(表层次);however, otherwise, yet, after all(表转折);on the contrary, while, compared with(表对比);take ... as an example, in other words, that is, for example/instance(表列举);thanks to, due to, owing to, on account of, for, as a result of, thus, therefore(表因果);第三段画龙点睛,小结观点,亮点词汇有all in all, in a word, in conclusion, to conclude, to sum up, in brief, on account of this, after all, obviously, consequently等。






  网上聊天(online chatting)越来越流行,然而有人反对,有人赞同它。请根据下表提示,就中学生是否应该上网聊天这一话题,写一篇150词左右的短文。短文的开头已为你写好。


  Nowadays, chatting on the Internet has become a main activity among students. However, people

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