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(作者:佚名 更新时间:2009/5/24 18:01:29 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿










    向这些文章中往往会出现一些难以翻译的话:例如:From the long-term and global perspective,if the crisis is resolved ultimately ,China will benefit more from this crisis,that is to say,in the face of the world economy,China's economy power and status will significantly strengthen.




    上面这段话,要是出现在阅读理解中,可能会直接给你China's economy power and status will significantly strengthen.有许多学生没有看到if 。因此在高考之前,注重细节方面,特别是阅读理解方面的细节,今年应该还是在12个左右,占阅读理解半壁多江山。





Two people were killed in a dormitory room, and 31 others were killed in the engineering building, including the gunman, police said.


Virginia Tech President Charles Steger said authorities believed that the shooting at the dorm was a domestic dispute and mistakenly thought the gunman had fled the campus.


Investigators offered no motive for the attack. The gunman's name was not immediately released, and it was not known if he was a student.


The shootings spread panic and confusion on campus. Witnesses reporting students jumping out the windows of a classroom building to escape the gunfire. SWAT team members with helmets, flak jackets and assault rifles swarmed over the campus. Students and faculty members carried out some of the wounded themselves, without waiting for ambulances to arrive.

 Students complained that there were no public-address announcements or other warnings on campus after the first burst of gunfire. They said the first word they received from the university was an e-mail more than two hours into the rampage - around the time the gunman struck again.




     生态文明、人与自然的和谐共处、全球变暖、  水资源污染、大气污染、自然灾害、节能减排、无车日等都是命题者热衷的话题。例如:

     The Green Ceneration:绿色世纪(2009年世界地球日主题)

     The Earth is the common home of human being.However,in the past 30 years,whih the scientific and technological development,as well as the expansion of the scale of economy,the global environment continued to worsen.。。。。。。。



    例如说上面的这段文字 人家出卷者还能让你猜题目————The Green Ceneration:绿色世纪(2009年世界地球日主题)。



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